Frequently asked questions

Unfortunately we don't accept online payments. This is because a number of items that we stock need to be weighed before we charge you for them. Just come into the shop to pay for your order within 48 hours of your arrival on Bryher.

We'll take your order up to the campsite and leave it in the cupboard with the freezers in it. Any chilled items will be put in a poly box to try to keep them as cold as possible and if you have frozen items we'll put them in the freezer with a note to say thats what we have done.

We'll try to contact you to let you know and substitute with an alternative item. If you're not happy with the substitution then just come into the shop and either return or swap the item before you pay and we'll update your bill to reflect the change. 

When you checked out you would have filled in a mandatory field with your accommodation name, date of arrival and approximate time of arrival. This is sent to us with your order, it just doesn't come up on your order confirmation. 

We try to deliver all orders before your estimated arrival time but sometimes this isn't possible. This might be the result of delays to our stock arriving due to tides or simply that we haven't had a chance to leave the shop. You can always give us a ring to find out whats going on, or pop up to the shop. If we've made your order up you are free to come and collect it or just enough to tide you over until we are able to get out to do the deliveries. We aim to have all deliveries completed by 6pm.

We can't predict the price of weighable, fresh produce and so any cost on the website is an approximation and is to be used as a guide. Sometimes there are changes to stock prices and whilst we do our upmost to keep the website updated in may be that some prices have been updated.  

We are constantly working to keep our prices as low as possible. However our location makes this more of a challenge as our overheads tend to be higher,particularly when taking into account the freight costs.